About us
Matlock Camera Club was founded in 1978 to "promote and encourage all aspects of photography".
Today the club has a membership of men and women of all ages with a wide range of abilities and offers an informal, friendly and supportive environment for photographers at all levels of experience. Our main aim is to help each other get more out of our photography by meeting regularly to share ideas and knowledge either in-person or on-line using Zoom.
The club's imaginative programme of activities and events includes practical 'hands-on' sessions, internal competitions, and visits from guest speakers with knowledge and expertise in a wide range of fields.
For more information, please feel free to contact the club via our contact us page.
Meetings are held every Wednesday from early September until the end of May. The club meets at the Imperial Rooms, Matlock on the first and fourth Wednesdays of the month.
How to find us
our Address
Imperial Rooms,
Imperial Road,
Matlock DE4 3NL
Membership and Subscription
Membership subscriptions run from September until the end of May. The season concludes with the AGM which includes the announcing of the year’s awards.
Adults: Membership for the first part of the 2024-2025 season, which starts in September is FREE OF CHARGE. We may continue this for the remainder of this season, but will publish any changes here and to the membership directly.
Students: A reduced rate is available subject to proof of status i.e., a valid student card. For more information, please feel free to contact the club via our contact us page. (NB: as membership is currently free, this is statement is retained purely as a placeholder).
Guests/Visitors: For permission to join either the in-person meetings or the Zoom ones, please contact us by using the contact us page.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
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