Life of a Commercial Photographer, Creativity and Technique
A talk by Matthew Jones - https://matthewjonesphotography.co.uk/
To be held at the Imperial Rooms in Matlock
A talk by Matthew Jones - https://matthewjonesphotography.co.uk/
To be held at the Imperial Rooms in Matlock
To be held at the Imperial Rooms, Matlock, judged by Robert Falconer robfalconerphotography.com
See the forum for further details.
Judged by Kevin Sawford, following on from his talk on the 5th.
This competition will be held on Zoom, please see the forum for entry details, and the link to join the Zoom session.
A seasonal journey around the garden and then some tips / tricks and technical details about how to capture garden images.
This talk will be held on Zoom, please check the forum for the details/link.
Craig Jones, wildlife photographer (https://www.craigjoneswildlifephotography.co.uk/) talks about the plight of the Sumatran Orangutan. This talk will be held on Zoom, details will be posted on the forum nearer to the date.
Craig’s photography covering the plight of the Sumatran Orangutans has been published around the world, on the BBC News, BBC Wildlife Magazine and National Geographic magazine. He’s also appeared for Nat Geo Wild discussing Sumatra as part of the “Paradise Islands & Photo Ark” National Geographic series.
He’s spoken at the Green Party of England and Wales about palm oil and it’s effects that he’s seen firsthand.
Spoken at the Natural History Museum, London twice on behalf of those critically endangered Sumatran Orangutans bringing their plight to the public’s attention.
He works tirelessly to bring about a more ethical and respectful approach to wildlife photography and has worked hard to bring this issue to the surface on many occasions.
He doesn’t enter photography competitions and so cant claim to be “award winning” He never wants to use that unconscious bias and message to say he’s better than anyone else.
His images represent an event that occurred in the wild something that he witnessed and recorded with his camera.
His skill lies in interpreting and presenting this in a way that invokes beauty, mood and emotion with each moment captured.
As an ex soldier he tries to help those injured by war or previous trauma. Showing the beauty of the natural world and how it can heal and add such a lot to the persons life.
He’s done many podcasts talking about his own life experiences hoping to help others. How trauma and mental health can affect your life.
He has never forgotten his roots , his late mother for instilling the beauty of nature into him and his childhood love of wildlife that is behind his work today
His Sumatran Orangutan image for “Prints for Nature” event for Conservation International helped raise thousands of pounds for grassroots conservation projects.
See the following link for more details -
Meet at the Observatory for a 19:00 start
Hastings Close
S41 8RH
Location: Google Maps
Please see the club forum for further details.
This talk will be held on Zoom. Link details will be posted on the forum near to the time of the talk.
Outline of the Flora talk, by Tony North
In this talk I share my best outdoor plant and fungi images. These include a wide variety of flowers as well as leaves, trees and grass, and plenty of fungi.
At the same time as showing a broad range of species, I cover many techniques and styles, explaining different approaches and the importance of several factors in this sort of photography.
Subjects and styles include:
i. The flowers, grasses, fungi and leaves which can be found outdoors at different times of year, and how to shoot them
ii. Macro approaches, including focus stacking and soft focus
iii. The effects of light, colour, angle of view, composition, depth of field, and bokeh
iv. Using equipment such as LED panels, reflectors, spray bottles, tripods, and clamps.
v. Post processing to bring out the best in flowers and other subjects
My aim in this talk is to do two things - entertain and inspire you with a varied range of beautiful images, and provide ideas, tips and techniques for you to experiment and learn new photographic approaches.
John Gill (https://www.johngill.photography/) will present his unique take on Street Photography.
This talk will take place over Zoom, details will be posted to the club forum before the event.
Exploring the Italian Dolomites and Iceland with James Rushforth – an unexpected career in photography and guidebook writing
In this talk James describes his unexpected and fortuitous journey into outdoor and adventure photography and writing; from first picking up a camera in 2012 to his success at the British and International Photography awards just a decade later. James’ transient lifestyle, moving between the pale mountains of the Italian Dolomites to the wilds of Iceland, has led to the creation of three photo-location guidebooks, showcasing his images and providing cultural and local information for visitors to his adopted regions. The presentation follows his natural progression from adventure to landscape photography, focusing on the logistics and creative nuances of both.
This event is virtual. Details will be posted to club members on the forum near to the time.
Members and partners/guests are invited Bring some food and drink along and join us in a Xmas Social Event. We are planning a quiz.
Following on from the "Architectural Photography" talk on the 6th November, and the subsequent practical session, now is the chance to show off your new-found (or existing) skills!
Please enter up to three images using the usual 'PhotoEntry' website: https://compent.photoentry.uk/, the deadline will be midnight on Saturday 23rd.
Note: PhotoEntry is only available to signed up club members, but don't forget, membership at least until the start of 2025 is free, so there is nothing to stop you joining in (given enough notice!).
If enough entries are submitted, this will be a competition (but hopefully with plenty of discussion as well), failing that, we will run the evening as 'show and tell', where each image is shared, discussed and people can ask questions. We will have a qualified judge on hand to provide expert input and commentary.
Meet in Chesterfield at 19:30 - the details of the exact location and a link to the WhatsApp group are posted on the forum: https://forum.matlockcameraclub.org.uk/showthread.php?tid=2768
Come and join us (and Graham - who will be attending to consolidate his earlier talk on the subject, advise and encourage!). Bring your cameras and try out some of the techniques Graham will have explained and demonstrated in his Nov 6th talk at the club.
The event is scheduled for an evening, as we are hoping to perform some night-time photography.
A talk by Graham Dunn
An image-packed presentation looking at the techniques and technical considerations involved in architectural photography, illustrated by dozens of examples of interior, exterior and cityscape photographs.
Following on from the "Treescapes" talk on the 2nd October, and the subsequent practical session, now is the chance to show off your new-found (or existing) skills!
Please enter up to three images using the usual 'PhotoEntry' website: https://compent.photoentry.uk/compent/, the deadline will be midnight on Saturday 18th.
Note: PhotoEntry is only available to signed up club members, but don't forget, membership at least until the start of 2025 is free, so there is nothing to stop you joining in (given enough notice!).
This will be a competition (but hopefully with plenty of discussion as well). Ian Daisley will be returning to provide judging/comments and see the fruits of his labours with all the shots have taken with hopefully some inspiration from his talk! NB: The shots you enter do not need to be from the practical session.
Meet at Stanton Moor for an early start at 07:30.
If you can't make it for the start, you should be able to find us later in the day - we will set up a WhatsApp group.
Ian Daisley came to the club on Oct 2nd to talk about the subject, and will be joining us for the practical session to help, advise and encourage us - please don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to learn from this vastly experienced photographer (and all round nice chap!).
Full information for the event is available for club members on the forum https://forum.matlockcameraclub.org.uk/
Trees present photographers with many different opportunities for creativity. Lone trees, trees through the seasons, tree details, and trees in the mist are among the many different styles of images that will be presented in this talk. What can often be a challenging subject to photograph, Ian will show and describe his own approach and techniques to photographing one of Nature's ever changing elements. Includes colour, black and white, film and digital work.
For more about Ian and his landscape work, please see: https://www.highstonegallery.co.uk/
Following on from the "Easy Wildlife" talk on the 4th September, and the subsequent practical session, now is the chance to show off your new-found (or existing) skills!
Please enter up to three images using the usual 'PhotoEntry' website: https://compent.photoentry.uk/ the deadline will be midnight on Saturday 21st.
Note: PhotoEntry is only available to signed up club members, but don't forget, membership at least until the start of 2025 is free, so there is nothing to stop you joining in (given enough notice!).
If you have joined/rejoined/intend-to-join and do not have a PhotoEntry login, please email Ade (digsec@matlockcameraclub.org.uk)
We have secured the services of a qualified judge and excellent photographer Phil Newman (see some of his images here: https://bolsovercameraclub.pixieset.com/membersgalleries/philnewman/ ).
Depending on the number of entries, we will either run the evening as a competition, or if there are fewer entries, as a 'show and tell', where the photographers may discuss their images and answer any questions others might have.
Either way, you will be able to see lots of interesting photographs and learn about how they were made!.
Meet up to practice what we learned at the "Easy Wildlife" talk. Meet in the Carsington Water Visitor Centre car park at the northern end, near the watersports centre.
Note: For full details, club members should login to the forum and check the “External Trips and Events” section.
Featuring wildlife photos and video from around the UK. I used to think you needed to be a real wildlife expert (which I’m not) to achieve great images. This talk demonstrates how, with only basic skills, you can achieve great results.
From my back garden to uninhabited islands, you’ll see an array of species, most of which are pretty easy to photograph. Camera settings accompany each image to give you an idea of what it would take to capture a similar shot.
See: https://fairbrother.me.uk/ for more information