2024-2025 Competition Winners
26th March - Garden Photography
First place, with ‘Tulip Core’, Mike Lewis
In joint second place with ‘Petals’, Mike Lewis
Also in joint second place with ‘Our Visitor’, Chris Greaves
Another joint second place, this time for Alistair Newton, with ‘Dahlia’
23rd October: Treescapes
The “Treescapes” competition was held on October 23rd 2024, with Ian Daisley judging. Here are the winning images.
Results for all images and comments from the judge are available on the club forum in the “Internal Competitions” section.
Joint first: Misty Incline by Mike Lewis
In joint first place: Curbar Edge Birch by Ade Ball
In third place: Ghost of Autumn by Chris Greaves
In fourth place: Birch and Rock by Ade Ball
25th September: Easy WilDlife
The “Easy Wildlife” competition was held on September 25th 2024 - here are the winning images!
Joint first place: Starling Squabble by Simon Benyon
Also in joint first place: Peek A Bee by Simon Benyon
In joint second place: Flying Chinstrap by Ralph Goodson
Also in joint second place: Mating 5 Spot Burnet Moths by Eric Ruthenberg
In joint third place: Puffin by Sally Newton
Also in joint third place: Baby Seal by Ade Ball